Saturday, July 11, 2009

Two Weeks Left in Austin

Two weeks from today I will leave Austin for the Czech Republic. This week will be spent packing and trying to finish my law school applications. Ok, I lied; trying to start my law school applications. I have a personal statement and addendum to grades to write, and a sea of application fees to navigate. Most of the schools I'm applying to have given me fee waivers, now I need to reach out to the ones that haven't. I also have two letters of recommendation to secure; they've been promised by the recommendors so a follow-up is all that's needed. Also, thank-you notes to people who have written recommendations for me or helped me with my applications or advised me or were generally awesome.
Beyond all that administrative nonsense, I want to spend time with everyone before I leave. I don't know if I'll return to Austin or even to Texas - law school could take me anywhere and half of my applications are to schools out of state. Please stop by and say hello/goodbye!

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