Thursday, July 30, 2009

Right now I'm sitting in the Frankfurt airport, waiting for my flight to Prague during my 5+ hour layover. The flight from Dallas/Ft. Worth arrived early and I found out it only takes 20 minutes to get into downtown Frankfurt by subway, which runs every 15 minutes. I bought a round-trip ticket for 9 Euro (about $10) and headed out. On the subway I met some Americans college students on vacation; oddly enough one was a girl also named Andrea. We got lunch in Frankfurt - I had amazing beef gulash and noodles - and then wandered around the city for a while. It was beautiful, very old-Europe. The last time I was in Germany I saw Munich, which was torn up in WWII and rebuilt in the 1960's. Frankfurt looks nothing like Munich. The Americans I met are also bound for Prague via a different flight, they'll be there a week so we're going to try to meet up this weekend.

So far I'm having an absolutely fantastic time. It's such fun to be by yourself and do whatever you want, though it was nice to have people to sight-see with in Frankfurt. Figuring out which subway took you back to the airport (which is called a Flughafen in German) was an adventure. And I love hearing German spoken, and creatively communicating with people - though most people here speak at least some English.

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